This year the average UK household gas and electricity bill has risen by nearly 40 per cent. While more and more families struggle to pay their energy bills, are the big companies that dominate the domestic market making millions in profit for themselves and for their shareholders?
They say they have no choice but to pass on their rising costs to the customer, but is this the truth?
Reporter Deborah Davies investigates why our charges are so high and how much the companies make from estimating bills. She also asks whether big companies take their loyal customers for granted and if changing suppliers can reduce bills. Davies investigates how competitive our energy suppliers really are and confronts the industry on their claims and justifications for their price hikes.
Allegations that Government initiatives to alleviate the effect of the price rises do nothing for the majority of people struggling to pay their bills this winter are investigated, alongside the role played by the industry's regulator Ofgem. With the help of a financial energy expert, dispatches shows how millions can save hundreds of pounds without ever reaching for a roll of loft insulation.
"Pick of The Day "
- The Times and Observer
First Broadcast
October 20, 2008
Deborah Davies
Executive Producer
Eamonn Matthews
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